How To Wrap A Knife Handle With Leather Strips?

How To Wrap A Knife Handle With Leather Strips?

Suppose you are chopping vegetables for your lunch. Suddenly the handle of your knife slipped, and you cut one of your fingers. This is an extremely common scenario, and probably everyone has experienced this case. But we could easily avoid this situation if we’d use leather straps on the handles of our knives. Though most…

Serbian Chef Knife Dimensions: Choose The Right Size Chef Knife

Serbian Chef Knife Dimensions: Choose The Right Size Chef Knife

The chef knife is widely acknowledged as the most versatile knife in the kitchen, capable of handling pretty much any task. And the Serbian chef knife falls under this umbrella of kitchen knives. But unlike other chef knives, this chef knife takes after a meat cleaver, with its tip cut off at an angle. This…

How To Use A Santoku Knife? A Step By Step Guide

How To Use A Santoku Knife? A Step By Step Guide

If you’re wondering, what’s the best knife shape for you? There’s a lot of different answers, but one option that stands out for us is the Santoku Knife. This is a Japanese-origin, general-purpose kitchen knife that has become universal. It’s now made by pretty much every blacksmith and manufacturer. What makes this knife so special?…